Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ugandan life


Although so far we still do not have our own home. Up unril a few days ago we were still staying with some officer friends who I met 3 years ago and have known rob a long time.

During our time with them I was reminded of how much I miss washing machines.
I think this will be something I will miss greatly.  I have washed my clothes by hand every time I have come but now it will include bed sheets and everything!
It really is a whole days work.

Life in Uganda is so different.

Most women cannot work due to the fact that the smallest thing takest forever here.

I will never ever complain about that big pile of washing anymore – that I can just throw in the washing machine.

For now that washing will take me all day especially when you include bed sheets.

And cooking a meal is a big job.

Most people if they are blessed will eat 3 meals a day. But many will only eat 2, and some only 1.

But whether they eat 3 or 1 guaranteed 2 of them will be hot and a big proper meal.

Full of carbohydrates.

Rice, posho ( ground corn maize and water), irish or sweet potatoes, chappati’s, beans, peas or green vegies leaves and if blessed chicken or beef stew.

Breakfast is usually left overs or plain bread or an egg.

Because every meal is a proper meal, and they cook usually on gas or charcoal stoves, you pretty much cook from one meal to the next.

This is cooked green banana's - MATOKE - normally they mash it but sometimes not - it is usually served with meat and a stew of some sort..... its a savoury dish.


Another part was Learning to cook a lot of the local foods.
Although we hope to still be able to eat more Australian food.
Those ingredients will be much more expensive.
So I did lots of learning how to cook local foods.
My favourite



I had to show you this gorgeous video of me learning to cook chappatis.. but my favourite part is the little girl towards the end. She is one of the officers children here at the headquarters and Africans do family life together so people just eat with whoever etc etc and spend time with whoever.

This little girl has funniest personality very strong and spritely. Very independent and has great English for a little girl so I get to laugh a lot with her.

Rob makes funny noises which she thinks is hilarious !! ENJOY


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