I miss my church in Australia so much.But I certainly love church here too.
For many different reasons.
We don't know what church we will attend when we move to Lira, as there is no Salvation Army there.
But while in Kampala and whenever we come back we will worship with our friends at The Salvation Army church at their headquarters.
Church in Africa is always lively, and runs long but people are lively and full of praise so you don't notice how much later it goes.
Church starts at 10am but most don't arrive till between 10.30 and 11am :) or even later
And people come all the way through.
Church services amongst the salvation army are mostly in Swahili, so its vital I learn this language.
But the sermon is in English and many things during. At least in Kampala. Other salvation army churches we attend Rob whispers transltions in my ear. Depending on the language sometimes I can follow enough with the words I know and their expressions. :)
And they translate testimonies etc.
But singing is usually always Swahili - sometimes its great when I know the song in English so I sing and dance along in English.
Otherwise I dance and clap and enjoy the sound of the worship. Doesn't matter how many people they are it always sounds amazing.
Even with still being unwell I love church here.
There was an extra special blessing this morning with the young people doing the service.
There's always lots of worship and dancing and usually a choir item, but there was a drama and a gospel dance as well this morning.
Rob had to go and check on our farm today to see how long till harvest so he missed church.
Its amazing how quickly life becomes normal to be with someone else.
Even though we have only been doing it about 8 weeks
Rob bought two cabbages home to show me.
We are praying now that God will provide wholesalers or a boarding school to take them when harvest comes in a few weeks.
We praise God that later this week we found a seller for 800 of our cabbages!! And this is only the first part of harvest. Sadly due to the drought they are not as big so will not fetch the same price as they normally would but we are counting our blessings as so many people have lost everything!
God is so good to us.
Still not feeling well but feeling so blessed today with God's provision for us..... even if we don't have enough money for food.... we can live on cabbages at least.... :) hahah now that could be interesting.. :)
Thank you for your information. We are on a holiday in Uganda from the UK and hope to visit the Army tomorrow, Easter Sunday 2014. John Smith, Sunderland