7 months of it were spent with Hezekiah and I battling health issues and medication withdrawals....trying to get him to gain weight and progress... they were also filled with joy having family and friends around us in Australia...
And then at 9 months bought us going to USA for a month to meet Rob's sponsors...
And then at 10 months we arrived home to Uganda.
And then the last two months have been spent busy travelling all over Uganda looking for land and processing paper work for the organisation - so so busy
Due to the fact we are still have to remain in the city for appointments with our lawyers re registration - Hezekiah's birthday was spent in the city and not in our home.
We are continuing to stay with friends there.
Rob and I found something we wanted to give hezekiah but was so expensive so we are currently making our own for him - it should have been finished but because we ended up in city for his birthday he will get it when home.
Thankfully two little gifts from Australia came -
He loved waking up to the 4 balloons we had and a two little presents.
We searched all over for a place to have lunch with some friends where the kids could play that wasn't too expensive.
Thankfully we found an amazing little place that we never had heard of that had a sandpit and toys so Ziah and the three other boys had lots of fun. The three other boys hadn't played on playground like it before so aunty leah was showing them what to do
The food was nice and we had a relaxed time celebrating our precious miracles first year of life.
There are some more photos from Hezekiah's birthday in the link below.
Here's a little bit I wrote in Hezekiah's baby book about his first birthday
YOU CAN NOW - Talk multiple words, you can even speak a few words in three different languages You can also already put two or three words together - Thank you Dada.... Bless you :)
You can do the actions to happy and you know it, the wheels on the bus, heads and shoulders ( you can even roll your hands around and around)
You have just started taking steps - you can currently take 6 on your first birthday.
YOU LOVE - people, cuddles, tickles, family, music, spoons, anything circle shaped, switches/buttons and handles, books, elephants, lions, banana's, avocado and all fruits, you love skyping and seeing family on the computer and cry when they are gone...
DEAR HEZEKIAH, Hezzy, Ziah, Tiger, Kiah....
A year ago today the baby my Dr's said would never happen drew their first breath.
The gift and miracle that our incredible God blessed us with. .... was YOU!
Through the miraculous pregnancy... All the time we nearly lost you... more times than people know...... you held on.
Through the miraculous pregnancy... All the time we nearly lost you... more times than people know...... you held on.
I will never forget the moment I first heard you cry and knew you were finally here in our arms....
Those first few weeks...months were full of so many challenges... Ill never forget the moment your body went limp in your daddy's hands and you were unresponsive ... or your high pitch cry as your body went through withdrawals.... or the moments when you would defy the odds again and again. Your pain tolerance is so high - Doctors couldn't believe what you'd cope with or how well you handled everything.
Those first few weeks...months were full of so many challenges... Ill never forget the moment your body went limp in your daddy's hands and you were unresponsive ... or your high pitch cry as your body went through withdrawals.... or the moments when you would defy the odds again and again. Your pain tolerance is so high - Doctors couldn't believe what you'd cope with or how well you handled everything.
Hezekiah Jabari Situma Makanda.
What a joy bringer you are my darling boy.
When we named you we had no idea just how much you would live up to your name even before u took your first breath.
You certainly were and are strengthened by God and you are courageous and brave and you already point people to a miracle working God just like your name declares.
What a joy bringer you are my darling boy.
When we named you we had no idea just how much you would live up to your name even before u took your first breath.
You certainly were and are strengthened by God and you are courageous and brave and you already point people to a miracle working God just like your name declares.
You are such a happy baby .. you love people and music... and you are already so intelligent like your daddy ... already speaking in multiple languages and spending time working out how things work. You will sit for ages playing with circle shapes on cement, or working how a switch goes... or even working out how to wiggle the gate lock back and forth enough to get out the front gate...
And you already love to talk just like your mama ...
You already have a sensitive heart and know the people who need cheering up - you crawl up to them or give them an extra big smile .
Whether a lonely old lady or a hungry little child on the street.
You already see people and draw them in and bring light to people.
You already see people and draw them in and bring light to people.
You are our absolute delight ziah.... Our little Hezzy... Small in size but mighty in strength and character and personality.
Today we celebrate you and the joy you bring to ours lives.... And to all those around you. You are so incredibly loved - you should see all the birthday messages for you from people all over the world.
We also celebrate the incredible God who blessed us with the miracle of you.
Your life has strengthened our faith and we will never question if miracles exist again.
We also celebrate the incredible God who blessed us with the miracle of you.
Your life has strengthened our faith and we will never question if miracles exist again.
And we speak over your life the words of what is written in the bible about King Hezekiah - This is our prayer for you on your first birthday our darling boy for as your grow...
" Hezekiah did what was right in the eyes of the Lord... Hezekiah trusted in the Lord, the God of Israel. There was no one like him among all the Kings before or after. He held fast to the Lord and DID NOT stop following him; he kept the Lords commands He had given. And the Lord was with him, he was successful in whatever he undertook". 2 Kings 18
Mummy and papa adore u and love you.
Happy 1st birthday our joyful boy.
Happy 1st birthday our joyful boy.
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