Wednesday, October 16, 2013


We had the most amazing experience this week.

In the last week Rob has been in malnutrition so is often able to get home before dark.
So we had been going for walks most afternoon.

On Wednesday it was Independence day which is a public holiday ( unless your a doctor) but Rob got home around 3pm.

We went for our walk and everyone was out and about. After our walk since there was still a lot of light we went to the gardens at the bottom of our road to sit and enjoy the nice weather and have a soda  ( the only thing they sell )

As we were sitting there playing the game I like of making things out of the clouds.
A man walked over to us holding a baby girl.

Straight away he bowed some and said Hello Doctor.

Obviously it was someone that knew Rob as a doctor, this is not unusual, often people will yell out hello doctor or something from knowing him at hospital.

But this man with tears in his eyes went on to say -

I saw you come in, I am sitting over there with my family and could not just sit and not come over and humbly thank the man who saved my baby girl.

Rob went on to ask how the baby was etc as I just watched mesmerised by this gorgeous little girl who almost seemed to remember ROb and reached out to him and laughed and giggled as Rob cuddled her.
The father kept saying, you saved her, you saved her.

She would not be here today if it had not been for you.

I could see the tears in the fathers eyes and in Rob's as the gravity of this encounter.

Its not often doctors get to see the patients again they save here as many come from villages and far away.

But here was a little girl who only weeks before was dying and now was here laughing in Rob's arms.

To say I was overcome would be an understatement. I was left rather speechless ( VERY UNUSUAL FOR ME - haha )

I asked if we could take a photo, which we did and you can see the gorgeous girls smile.

After they left I asked Rob about her.

Rob said she had been incredibly sick when she'd come in with sickle cell and malnutrition.  And was not going to live. But Rob managed to bring her around before it was too late.
And it was almost too late and they weren't sure if she would make it.
Praise God she did.

Because of their rotations doctors don't always get to see the follow up after they work on a patient so knowing that the little girl had now left hospital and was doing well is a huge gift.

What a joy to experience this and to be reminded of the very real impact on saving lives Rob has every single day.


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