We got an amazing surprise on Wednesday before we left. Dan and Brooke ( brother and SIL) and my gorgeous baby neice turned up from Rockhampton to surprise us. So precious.
So we had time with all the brothers and SIL and nieces and nephews in the days before.
Saturday we left nice and early and caught the train with most of the family ( besides Ben, Evey and the kids as they had something on) It was bittersweet all day.
Excited that everything had been done and we were off to start the new chapter of ours lives together. Bitter because we were leaving the most precious thing to us behind, my family...... I keep forgetting they are now OUR FAMILY
After a lot of tears and emotion from everyone we boarded the plane.
The realisation was strong for all the family through the tears, that this is God’s plan.
The day was finally here. The 12year old who heard the call from God that one day Africa would be your home, was now about to leave to live in Uganda.
And I had always said I never felt I was meant to go alone. And who knew ( GOD DID) that the man I would marry would come from a small village in Africa. Amazing... I was not going alone, God went with us and my husband was taking me to his home. . . the land we both love.
We praise God that we didn’t have to pay excess even though we were a little bit over and we had SO much on board luggage and we were nervous whether we’d get it through. But praise God we did. All the way to Uganda even with the change over in Dubai with no problem.
So So thankful that even though dad was back on chemo and really not well,he managed to come see us off. It was such a long day for him and he wasn't well but it meant everything!
cool staff. happy for u guys. and wish u the best marriage ever :-)